Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 2023/11
David Quest: Large language models: a legal liability minefield (735)
Charles Kerrigan: What does AI mean for professional services business models? (738)
Tom Leary: Regulation 7(4) : when is an entity controlled by a sanctioned person? (742)
Jamie Macpherson, Andrew Perkins, Henry-Stewart Brown, Samuel Brooks, Sophie Donnithorne-Tait: Private credit continuation funds: a developing frontier for secondary transactions? (745)
Chee Ho Tham: Assignment (or novation) of indemnity policies? (748)
Henry O’Connor: The key to harnessing the ownership powr of NFTs: the need for standardised decentralisation protocols (753)
George Pelling, Ijeoma Nwala, Samantha Hutchinson, Adam Blakemore, Satvi Vepa, Alix Prentice: Enforcing security over limited partner interests in English limited partnerships (758)
Stephanies Tozer, Kavish Shah: Damages for the damnified? What DOES Law of Property Act s 104(2) mean? (763)
Andrew Thornton, Ben Shaw: A company’s objects: do they still matter? (765)
Tauhid Ijaz, George Kiladze: Significant Risk Transfer’s impact on the output floor under Basel III: the EU’s proposed panacea unveiled (768)
Peter Alderdice: Scotland’s new statuory pledge: taking security from individuals and unincorporated organisations (774)
Alexia Knight: The Mandatory Reimbursement Scheme: the obvious points of conflict within the proposals (777)
Anthea Bowater, Simon Orton: ESG litigation in the context of financial services: a global gear change? (779)
Edward F Greene, Jared Gerber, David Lopez, Duane McLaughlin, Emily Arndt, Sabrina Singer, Brandon Welcome: The need for a modernised response to financial product regulation (783)
In Practice
Kerry Langton: Lender diligence over Intellectual Property Rights and taking security over domain names (787)
Stuart Murdoch, Rory Milkova: Does the „D” in PSD3 stands for „divergence”? PSD3 and payment services in the UK (789)
James Barrett: Coaching andd the corporate witness (791)