Editorial Comments: The European Climate Law: Making The Social Market Economy Fit For 55? (1321)
Pekka Pohjankoski: Rule of law with leverage: Policing structural obligations in EU law with the infringement procedure, fines, and set-off (1341)
Beate Gsell: The new European Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers – A huge, but blurry step forward (1365)
Lisa Waddington, Mark Bell: Similar, yet different: The Work-life Balance Directive and the expanding frontiers of EU non-discrimination law (1401)
A. Court of Justice
Iain Cameron: Metadata retention and national security: Privacy International and La Quadrature du Net (1433)
Enzo Cannizzaro: Inter-Member State international law in the EU legal order: Some thoughts on Slovenia v. Croatia (1473)
Leigh Hancher: Euratom, State aid and environmental protection: Hinkley Point (1491)
Ole-Andreas Rognstad: Performing artists’ right to remuneration – on the junction of external treaty competence, national treatment, material reciprocity and fundamental rights: RAAP (1523)
Perrine Dumas: Strengthening the procedural rights of visa applicants by extending the integration of national administrative and judicial systems: R.N.N.S. and K.A. (1547)
Wolfgang Wurmnest: Plotting the boundary between contract and tort jurisdiction in private actions against abuses of dominance: Wikingerhof v. Booking (1571)
Alice Welsh: A genuine chance of free movement? Clarifying the “reasonable period of time” and residence conditions for jobseekers in G.M.A. (1591)
Clear and present danger: Poland, the rule of law & primacy (1635)
Raphaele Xenidis: The polysemy of anti-discrimination law: The interpretation architecture of the Framework Employment Directive at the Court of Justice (1649)
Eleanor Spaventa: Constitutional creativity or constitutional deception? Acts of the Member States acting collectively and juridiction of the Court of Justice (1697)
Peter Van Elsuwege: Judicial review and the Common Foreign and Security Policy: Limits ot the gap-filling role of the Court of Justice (1731)
Urska Sadl: Old is new: The transformative effect of references to settled case law in the deciesions fof the European Court of Justice (1761)
Martha Caziero, Ivan Lazarov: The substantive scope of the Anti-Tax-Avoidance Directive: The remaining leeway for national tax sovereignity (1789)
Case law
A. Court of Justice
L. Tsourdi: Relocation blues – Refugee protection backsliding, division of competences, and the purpose of infringement proceedings: Commission v. Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic (1819)
G. C. Leonelli: Balancing public health and environmental protection and economic stakes? Bayer Cropscience and the Court’s defence of EU socially acceptable risk approach (1845)
E. Rosati: Linking and copyright in the shadde of VG Bild-Kunst (1875)
G. Butler: Immunities of national central banks in Member States under EU law: Commission v. Slovenia (ECB Archives) (1895)
Editorial comments: A new tool in Union’s human rights toolbox (621)
Bruno De Witte: The European Union’s COVID-19 recovery plan: The legal engineering of an economic policy shift (635)
Leandro Mancano: You’ll never work alone: A systemic assessment of the European Arrest Warrant and judicial independence (683)
Johann Laux, Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt: Neutralizing online behavioural advertising: Algorithmic targeting with market power as an unfair commercial practice (719)
Virginia Passalacqua: Legal mobilization via preliminary reference: Insights from the case of migrant rights (751)
Ioanna Hadjiyianni: Judicial protection and the environment in the EU legal order: Missing pieces for a complete puzzle of legal remedies (777)
Vigjilenca Abazi: Whistleblowing in the European Union (813)
Case Law
A. Court of Justice:
Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, Christophe Hillion: The “special relationship” between the EU and the EEA EFTA States – free movement of EEA citizens in an extended area of freedom, security and justice: Ruska Federacija v. I.N. (851)
Fulvia Ristuccia: The right to social assistance of children in education and their primary carers: Jobcenter Krefeld (877)
Laetitia Driguez: Posting of workers: When the ideal of cooperation between national institutions prevails over the fight against fraud: CRPNPAC and Vueling (929)
Editorial comments: Compromising (on) the general conditionality mechanism and the rule of law (267)
Luca Prete, Ben Smulders: The Age Of Maturity Of Infringement Proceedings (285)
María-Luisa Sánchez-Barrueco: At the crossroads of a frozen conflict: Political oversight of the Council’s administrative budget by the European Parliament (333)
Araceli Turmo: National res judicata in the European Union: Revisiting the tension between the temptation of effectiveness and the acknowledgement of domestic procedural law (361)
Charlotte O’brien: Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Vulnerable EU citizens cast adrift in the UK post-Brexit (431)
Inge Graef: Consumer sovereignty and competition law: From personalization to diversity (471)
Case Law
A. Court of Justice
Marek Szydlo: How far can previous rulings or evidence determine an individual administrative decision? Glencore’s implications for decisions within the scope of EU law (505)
Juan Jorge Piernas López: When is a company not an undertaking under EU competition law? The contribution of the Dôvera judgment (529)
Christina Neier: Residence right under Article 20 TFEU not dependent on sufficient resources: Subdelegación del Gobierno en Ciudad Reals (549)
Dawid Miasik, Monika Szwarc: Primacy and direct effect – still together: Poplawski II (571)
Editorial comments: Sour lessons from the Union’s first encounters with the UK as a “free and sovereign country” (1)
Nicolas Rennuy: Shopping for social security law in the EU (13)
Francesco Pennesi: Equivalence in the area of financial services: An effective instrument to protect EU financial stability in global capital markets? (39)
Tamás Szabados: Constitutional identity and judicial cooperation in civil matters in the European Union – An ace up the sleeve? (71)
Ljupcho Grozdanovski: In search of effectiveness and fairness in proving algorithmic discrimination in EU law (99)
Laurent Pech: A. Court of Justice Protecting Polish judges from Poland’s Disciplinary “Star Chamber”: Commission v. Poland (Interim proceedings) (137)
Roberto Caranta: Knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Standing for non-privileged applicants after Montessori (163)
Francesco de Cecco: Minimum harmonization and the limits of Union fundamental rights review: TSN and AKT (187)
Sabine Mair: Why less is not always more: Mother’s pensions and parenthood in WA (201)
Editorial Comments: Brexit into extra time … again (1447)
Michael Dougan: Primacy and the remedy of disapplication (p. 1459)
Merijn Chamon: A constitutional twilight zone: EU decentralized agencies’ external relations (1509)
Nicolas Rennuy: The trilemma of EU social benefits law: Seeing the wood and the trees (1549)
Marco Bronckers, Giovanni Gruni: Taking the enforcement of labour standards in the EU’s free trade agreements seriously (1591)
Ceciel Nieuwenhout, Jaap Waverijn: Swimming in ECJ case law: The rocky journey to EU law applicability in the continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (1623)
A. Court of Justice
Alicia Hinarejos: The Court of Justice annuls a national measure directly to protect ECB independence: Rimševics (1649)
Anatol Dutta: Private divorces outside Rome III and Brussels II bis? The Sahyouni gap (1661)
Zsófia Varga: Retrial and principles of effectiveness and equivalence in case of violation of the ECHR and of the Charter: XC, Zs (p. 1673)
B. National Courts Acte cryptique?
Charlotte O’Brien: Zambrano, welfare rights, and underclass citizenship in the tale of the missing preliminary reference (1697)
Joxerramon Bengoetxea: Review essay: A general theory of Member Statehood in the EU (1733)