- Bingwan Xiong Li Chen: Unravelling the Challenges in Implementing China’s New Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (573)
- Elida Guerra: Camila v. Peru: Standards Set by CRC on Sexual and Reproductive Rights (539)
- Eric Heinze: Identitarian Hatreds and Disloyalty Propaganda: Revisiting the Eurocentrism of Human Rights (616)
- Chidi Anselm Odinkalu: The Right to Be Human: Rest and Leisure in International Human Rights Law (639)
- Rebecca Smyth: Abortion Exceptionalism in International Human Rights Law (671)
- Mark Yost, Kasey Fernandez, Etoile Nelson, Rochelle Dicker, Maryam Farzanegan: Gun Violence Against Children in the U.S (712)
Book Reviews
- Dovilė Budrytė: Lawyers Beyond Borders: Advancing International Human Rights Through Local Laws and Courts by Maria Armoudian (727)
- Linda Roland Danil: Animals and Capital by Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel (729)
- Bradford C. Mank: Environmental Human Rights: New Thinking from Latin America and the Caribbean by Mario G. Aguilera (734)
- Mahmood Monshipouri: The Contemporary International Committee of the Red Cross: Challenges, Changes, Controversies by David P. Forsythe (746)
- Contributors (755)
- Index for Vol. 46 (759)
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