Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs 2024/2

  • Vorwort (125)

I. Kirchenrechtsgeschichte

  • Péter Bónis, Budapest: The Hungarian Golden Bull and Canon Law (127)
  • Sanja Gligić, Belgrade: The Influence of Canon Law on Serbian Civil Marriage Regulations (138)

II. Privatrechtsgeschichte

  • Sarolta Molnár, Budapest: Socialist Remains in Hungarian Family Law. Exploring the Roots of Dogmatic Defects in the Family Book of the Hungarian Civil Code (148)
  • György Képes, Budapest: Nihil sub sole novum? The first Hungarian law against unfair competition from today’s perspective (162)

III. Verfassungsgeschichte

  • István Szabó, Budapest: Die ungarischen Aprilgesetze vor dem Wiener Hof (1848). The Hungarian April Laws before the Court of Vienna (1848). Debates on the Pragmatica Sanctio (173)
  • Tomasz Kucharski, Toruń: Polish justices of the peace in the 20s of the 20th century. Conclusions drawn from the practical historical experience of selected judicial circuits of the former Prussian partition vis-à-vis present controversies as to the restoration of the institution (186)

IV. Medienrechtsgeschichte

  • Imre Képessy, Budapest: Press Law in the Context of the Provisional Judicial Rules of 1861 (201)
  • Violeta Stratan, Timişora: Minestones of the Written Press Freedom in Romania (214)


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