- Levente Székely, Georgina Kiss-Kozma: Editors’ foreword to the studies included in the thematic issue „Two Decades of Large Sample Youth Research in Hungary” (4)
- Levente Székely: The History of the Hungarian Large Sample Youth Survey (6)
- Dávid Erát, Adrienn Bognár: Tomorrow’s parents? Exploring the fertility intentions of young adults in Hungary (24)
- Georgina Kiss-Kozma, Tamás Ruff: Emgration Intentions Among Hungarian Youth (55)
- Mariann Fekete: An Examination of Young People’s Vulnerability in the Context of the Hungaria Youth Survey 2000-2020 (75)
- Valér Veres: Changes and Factors Associated with the Social Stratification and Material Situation of Hungarian Minority and Majority Youth (2001-2020) (103)
- Tamás László, Krisztina Kolozsvári, Péter Pillók: Crisis perceptions and experiences of resilience among young people in the early and late stages of the coronavirus epidemic (140)
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