- Marina Bán, Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth: Introduction to the thematic section „current Hungarian memory policies in a broader context” (313)
- Marina Bán: The governance of history via law: An overview (315)
- Anna Gera, Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth: The parliamentary margin of movement for strengthening the role of historical dimensions in interpretation and law-making: The case of Hungary (329)
- Mónika Ganczer: The impact of historical traditions on the regulation and practice of the preferential naturalization of Hungarians living outside the borders (352)
- Le Thuc Linh Bui, László Pribula: Using Fintech to protect the strict compliance principle in letter-of-credit law (374)
- Lenka Dušková, Jan Holas: The role of judges at the pre-mediation stage of court-annexed mediation: A case study of the situation in the Czech Republic (399)
- András L. Pap: Business and human rights, free speech, surveillance, and illiberalism: Contextualizing academic freedom as a constitutional right and an emerging freedom under international law (416)
- István Lakatos: A critical evaluation of the work of the UN Human Rights Council, or taking stock of fifteen years without illusions (440)
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