Industrial Law Journal 2021/2


  • Charlotte Villiers: Corporate Governance, Employee Voice and the Interests of Employees: The Broken Promise of a ‘World Leading Package of Corporate Reforms’ (159)
  • John Adenitire: Protecting Solitary Beliefs Against Indirect Discrimination (196)
  • Aaron Baker: The ‘Range of Reasonable Responses’ Test: A Poor Substitution for the Statutory Language (226)
  • Giovanni Gaudio: Adapting Labour Law to Complex Organisational Settings of the Enterprise: Why Rethinking the Concept of the Employer is Not Enough (264)

European Developments

  • Miguel de la Corte-Rodríguez: The First Revision of the Hofmann Case Law on Maternity Leave and Discrimination Against Fathers: Care-Giving as the Pivot? (306)

Research and Reports

  • Joe Atkinson: ‘Technology Managing People’: An Urgent Agenda for Labour Law (324)
  • Sam Middlemiss: New Developments in the Campaign against Unwanted Workplace Banter (330)
  • Susan Corby: The 2020 Judicial Attitude Survey Reveals the Views of Employment Judges (336)

Book Review

  • David Renton: Labour and the Wage: A Critical Perspective (341)