Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2024/1

  • Tamás Hoffmann: The consequences of the Russia–Ukraine conflict – Introduction to the special issue (487)
  • Gábor Hajdu: The role of ISDS in the Russian–Ukrainian conflict (489)
  • Gábor Kecskés: The protection of nuclear installations in time of armed conflict – Old rules, new challenges (508)
  • Olena Rym, Vitaliy Kosovich: The value of formally undefined norms in the national legislation approximation to EU labour standards: The case of Ukraine (520)

Conference proceedings

  • Péter Mihályi, Iván Szelényi: The war of the Russian Empire against Ukraine: The most dangerous phase of the post-communist transition (536)
  • Péter Halmai: War shock and the economy. Some economic impacts of Russian aggression in Ukraine (545)
  • József Kis-Benedek: The security and military context of the Russia–Ukraine war (560)
  • Vanda Lamm: The war in Ukraine in light of international law (568)
  • Réka Varga: The Russian–Ukrainian war: The possibilities of ensuring accountability (580)
  • Judit Bayer: The European response to Russian disinformation in the context of the war in Ukraine (589)


Elektronikusan elérhető itt,

papír formátumban a Könyvtár galériáján.

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2023/4

  • Tamás Hoffmann: The consequences of the Russia–Ukraine conflict – Introduction to the special issue (487)
  • Gábor Hajdu: The role of ISDS in the Russian–Ukrainian conflict (489)
  • Gábor Kecskés: The protection of nuclear installations in time of armed conflict – Old rules, new challenges (508)
  • Olena Rym, Vitaliy Kosovych: The value of formally undefined norms in the national legislation approximation to EU labour standards: The case of Ukraine (520)

Conference proceedings

  • Péter Mihályi, Iván Szelényi: The war of the Russian Empire against Ukraine: The most dangerous phase of the post-communist transition (536)
  • Péter Halmai: War shock and the economy. Some economic impacts of Russian aggression in Ukraine (545)
  • József Kis-Benedek: The security and military context of the Russia–Ukraine war (560)
  • Vanda Lamm: The war in Ukraine in light of international law (568)
  • Réka Varga: The Russian–Ukrainian war: The possibilities of ensuring accountability (580)
  • Judit Bayer: The European response to Russian disinformation in the context of the war in Ukraine (589)


Elektronikusan elérhető itt,

papír formátumban a Könyvtár galériáján.

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2022/3

  • Lajos Vékás: In memoriam Attila Harmathy (1937-2022) (175)
  • Bence Kis Kelemen, Mátyás Kiss: The targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani: A case study through the lens of jus ad bellum (177)
  • Tamás Hoffmann: War or peace? – International legal issues concerning the use of force in the Russia–Ukraine conflict (206)
  • Iván Halász: The establishment of the institutional framework of comparative law in the socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary (236)
  • Ioannis Fasoulis: Navigating the nexus between UNCLOS and the sustainable development goals: Perspectives from transitions in Norway’s ocean governance regime (258)
  • Dániel Szilágyi: Empowering consumers: Towards a broader interpretation of the vulnerable consumer concept in the European Union (279)
  • Asli Alkiș-Tümtürk: Uncertain future of transatlantic data flows: Will the United States ever achieve the ‘adequate level’ of data protection? (294)


Elektronikusan elérhető itt,

papír formátumban a Könyvtár galériáján.