The Legal History Review 2024/1-2


  • Éva Jakab: Quod se emisse diceret: Überlegungen zu einer Urkunde aus dem antiken London (rib ii 2443.19 = ae 1994, 1093) (1)
  • Zwalve W. J.: ‘Scriptura recepta et usitata’ The impact of the Lex citandi on Justinian’s Digest (37)
  • Jeroen M. J. Chorus: Bonfante, Vacca, Ankum: acquisition of ownership of res mancipi abandoned by their owner, Pomp. D. 41,7,5pr. (71)
  • Daniele Curir: Donationem non facit? Donations to people in potestate of the donor in Roman law (85)
  • Kyriaco Nikias: Private legal practice and public authority in early Venetian Ithaca: thirteen new notarial documents (1575–1599) (97)
  • Quentin Leboutte: Les projets constitutionnels du Congrès de Polleur (1789–1791): La Révolution dans les campagnes de la Principauté de Liège (141)
  • Gianmarco Palmieri: The issue of sexuality in Italian penitentiary law: a 1930s debate between international influences and fascist prison policies (175)
  • Boudewijn Sirks: Is legal history just writing a text? (208)

Book reviews

  • Nils Jansen: S.F. Thönissen, Recht und Gerechtigkeit, Philosophisch-theologische Grundlagen der westlichen Rechtstradition (225)
  • Caroline Laske: S. Soleil, Aux origines de l’opposition entre systèmes de common law et de droit codifié, Les controverses anglo-américaines des années 1820-1835 (231)
  • Guido Rossi: Delphine Sirks, Fire and life insurance in the Dutch Republic, Development and legal aspects (235)
  • Jan Hallebeek: Th. Duve [und] J.L. Egío, Rechtsgeschichte des frühneuzeitlichen Hispanoamerika (240)
  • Boudewijn Sirks: T. Beggio und A. Grebieniow (Hrgs.), Methodenfragen der Romanistik im Wandel, Paul Koschakers Vermächtnis 80 Jahre nach seiner Krisenschrift (241)


  • Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jaap J. van Moolenbroek: In memoriam Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, 1943-2023 (243)


  • Collections (247)
  • Miscellaneous (248)
  • Publications received (253)


A folyóirat tartalomjegyzéke elérhető itt,

papír formátuma a Könyvtár galériáján.

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2021/1

Acta Juridica Hungarica

  • Éva Jakab: Thoughts on Elemér Pólay’s early work: National socialism and Roman Law (1)
  • Tibor Tajti (Thaythy): Pyramid and Ponzi schemes and the repercussions of the differing regulatory approaches Hungarian developments in the light of contemporary global trends (24)
  • Antal Szerletics: Paternalism vs. autonomy? Substitute and supported decision-making in England and Hungary (75)
  • Nikolett Takács: The threefold concept of the best interests of the child in the immigration case law of the ECtHR (96)


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