The Legal History Review 2022/3-4

  • De Redactie, La rédaction, The Editors: Olav Moorman van Kappen (307)
  • de Redactie: Uitreiking Prijs Robert Feenstra 2017-2019 (313)
  • Remise du Prix Robert Feenstra 2017-2019 (313)
  • the Editors: Award Ceremony Robert Feenstra Prize 2017-2019 (314)


  • Wolfgang Ernst: The politics of the lex Aquilia. Reparation disputes in the battle of the orders: the quest for fair trials (315)
  • Lorenzo Gagliardi: Le manomissioni del ius civile e il momento acquisitivo della cittadinanza romana (353)
  • Anja Amend-Traut: Akteure im Hintergrund. Die Rolle der Faktoren in kaufmännischen Netzwerken und die Genese ihres rechtlichen Handlungsspielraums (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation und Deutsches Reich) (387)
  • Tim Lubbers: Jacob Coren’s Observatio 40: shipowner liability for inculpable ship collision and its limitation in Roman-Dutch law (419)
  • Wim Decock: ‘Mercatores isti regulandi’: Monopolies and moral regulation of the market in Pedro de Oñate’s De contractibus (462)
  • Li Chen: Chinese international lawyer and British doctoral supervisor. The case of Hwang King Hung and Hersch Lauterpacht (489)
  • Aleksander Grebieniow: Der Erbvertrag der Römer und der Erbvertrag heute. Einige Erwägungen zu dem Buch von M.F. Merotto (527)

Book Reviews

  • D. Schanbacher: Antichresis en pandgebruik, De bevoegdheid van de zekerheidsgerechtigde tot gebruik, beheer en vruchttrekking in rechtshistorisch en rechtsvergelijkend perspectief , written by R. Bobbink (559)
  • D. Schanbacher: De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht; deconstuctie van een leerstuk, Een historisch-comparatieve studie , written by J. van Kralingen (567)
  • Martin Avenarius: A history of Russian law from ancient times to the Council Code (Ulozhenie) of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich of 1649 , written by F.J.M. Feldbrugge (579)
  • Wolfgang Ernst: Loans and credit in consilia and decisiones in the Low Countries (c. 1500-1680) , written by W. Druwé (585)
  • Christophe Maes: Freedom, an unruly history , written by Annelien de Dijn (590)
  • Louis Pahlow: Patent cultures, Diversity and harmonization in historical perspective , edited by G. Gooday [and] S. Wilf (597)


  • Jan Hallebeek: In memoriam Margaret Louise Hewett, 1934-2022 (601)


  • Collections (605)
  • Publications received (606)
  • Table of contents (607)


A folyóirat tartalomjegyzéke elérhető itt,

papír formátuma a Könyvtár galériáján.

The Legal History Review 2022/1-2


  • J. Monballyu: Accused of infanticide. Criminal prosecutions of the deliberate killing of a new-born child in the Belgian province of West Flanders, 1796-1867 (1)
  • Renato Perani: Creditor fructus percepit, Sul pegno con patto anticretico (31)
  • Patricio Lazo: Problemas probatorios de la exceptio doli (64)
  • Lorenzo Lanti: Epistula Honorii: note esegetiche e riflessioni storico-giuridiche (87)
  • Boudewijn Sirks: The colonate in the Later Roman Empire (129)
  • Piotr Alexandrowicz: The history and normative significance of summaria in the Liber extra (148)
  • Tim Lubbers: The capture of the Ponte: the development of vicarious liability of shipowners and its limitation in Roman-Dutch law (177)
  • Geert Sluijs: Jurisdiction and its attribution in the works of Diodorus Tuldenus (1594-1645) (222)
  • Hylkje de Jong, Gijs van Dijck: Network analysis in legal history: an example from the Court of Friesland (250)

Book Reviews

  • Hylkje de Jong: Le vir bonus en droit romain , written by Elena Giannozzi (263)
  • Dante Fedele: Jurists and jurisprudence in medieval Italy, Texts and contexts , written by O. Cavallar and J. Kirshner (270)
  • Philipp Scheibelreiter: Ἐντολή (mandatum) in den Basiliken , written by Hylkje de Jong (276)
  • A.J.B. Sirks: Quatrième Livre des procurateurs de la nation germanique de l’ancienne Université d’Orléans 1587–1602, Texte des rapports des procurateurs [= Les Livres des procurateurs de la nation germanique de l’ancienne Université d’Orléans 1444–1602, [tome iv]] , edited by C.M. Ridderikhof [et] H. de Ridder-Symoens (298)


  • Collections (301)
  • Publications received (303)


A folyóirat tartalomjegyzéke elérhető itt,

papír formátuma a Könyvtár galériáján.