Simon CY Wong: Governance to keep net zero transitions on track (143)
Raquel Agnello: What is the effect on a transaction if the Pensions Regulator brings successful proceedings under the Pension Schemes Act 2021? (148)
Lisa Lacob: When is a third party on notice of an agent’s lack of ostensible authority? (152)
Michael Brown, Thea Gausel: Synthetic risk, real issues: secondary transfers of credit risk instruments (154)
Nick Lister, Sian Perez, Andrew Denny, Nick Gomes: Credit defaults: practical tips when pressing the accelerator (156)
Sophia Hurst: Decrypting conflict of laws (158)
Edward Cumming, Tom Stewart Coats: Referring to legislation in finance documents: more than you bargained for? (162)
Andrew Fulton: Swaps litigation: the continuing search for certainty (164)
Moeiz Farban, Richard Firth: In context: the FMLC and its paper on good faith (168)
Leon Stephenson, Brendan Gallen: The impact of rated note feeder funds on subscription-line facilities (172)
Rita Hunter, Melanie Johnson: Sustainability related disclosures: EU SFDR vs UK SDR (174)
Nicholas Williams, Bronwen Jones, Thomas Webley: LMA Defaulting Lender provisions in today’s growing non-bank loan market (178)
Roger Laville: Enforcing judgments against pension assets: a developing juridiction (181)
Tim Lees, Michelle McGreal: COMing apart? Centre of Main Interests under Chapter 15 and the EUIR (184)
In Practice
Patrick Leftley, Becky Critchley, Tracy Dariane: The FCA’s new consumer duty could affect FCA regulated investors in asset backed financing of products offered to retail customers (187)
William Sutton: European commercial real estate CLOs: some thoughts on a developing asset class (189)
Fiona Henderson, Laura Collins, Alexis Alexander: Embedded finance: revenue-based financing and responsible lending (190)
Competition Law Update by Kirkland & Ellis LLP (191)
Francesco Lione: Are the times ripe for „super senior” capital structures that include term loan debt? (579)
William Steel, Seema Shukla: Deed polls: a difficult solution to a difficult problem (582)
Andrew Keay: Unsecured loans and ascertaining cash flow insolvency (586)
Rebecca Oliver: The National Security and Investment Act 2021: secured lenders can take comfort in latest guidance but exercising voting rights remains a risk (591)
James Burnie, Meghan Millward, Matthew Kimber: What’s at stake? The legal treatment of staking (594)
Sukhvir Basran, Eoin O’Connor: ESG integration in private debt (599)
Hanif Virji: Capacity: is the question of hedging or speculation mis-stated? (602)
Joshua Crow: ISDA Definitions 2021: Calculation Agent not required to produce objectively reasonable result (604)
Vishal Mawkin, Peter Young, Miguel Torres Caro: Project bonds and energy transition: a proven financing solution (606)
Lara Panahy, Nick Lister: „There is nothing so stable as change”: is the Treasury’s proposed new special admiinstration regim for stablecoin and other systemic DSA firms a change in the right direction? (610)
Anthony Dearing: Base metal traders betting on the courts to enforce their trades in a disorderly market (614)
Meera Ragha, Diego Ballon Ossio: English law in the 21th century: does it need an update to accommodate crypto? (617)
David Murphy: Regualory mandates and review in the 2022 Financial Services and Markets Bill: making their own homework (619)
Ajay Malhotra, Ceri Morgan, Zoe Diepstraten: Interpreting ICC standardised rules in trade finance disputes: courts take an international perspective (622)
In Practice
Catherine Phillips: Safe harbours in lending transactions: exclusions from the requirement to register express trust (625)
Iain Balkwill: CMBS and its new cousin, the CRE CLO (627)
Christine Ezcutari, Paolo Pinna: Sustainability-linked loans: what more do you need to know? 628)
Case Analysis by Hogan Lovells (630)
Regulation Update by Norton Rose Fulbright (634)
Market Movements by CMS (637)
Deals (639)
Legal Ease by Lexis PSL (640)
International Briefings from Finland and Switzerland (641)