James Palmer: Risk elimination by legislating: the limits of the law and challanges of reality (287)
Justina Stewart, Lucian Ilie, Anson Cheung, Hanif Virji: Credit Suisse, AT1 Bonds and taking the BIT between the teeth (293)
Ayowande A McCunn, Paul L Davies: On the regualatory discretion to write off AT1 capital (302)
Bobby Butcher, Elli Karaindrou: Regulation of small banks in the UK: lessons learned from SVB UK (306)
Ferdisha Snagg, George Bumpus, Andreas Wildner: Reforming the UK’s e-money and payment services safeguarded funds regimes: better safe than sorry (310)
Greg Brown: Sustainability-linked loans: how „green-washing” risk is mitigated in documentation (313)
James Palmer: The urgent need for better law and rule making: challenges and solutions (371)
Avinash Persaud: Lesson from the SVG collapse for banking reputation (380)
Kate Sumpter: Re-fencing: the pitfalls, and opportunities, of M&A ofr ring-fenced banks (382)
Jo Windsor: The impact of Pt 26A Restructuring Plans on intercreditor dynamics (385)
Hanif Virji: Wht is collateral special value? (389)
Richard Aikens, Andrew Dinsmore: The practicalities of pleading and proving foreign law in modern financial litigation (392)
Isobel Bull, Brenda Rweyemamu: Time to hit the road: considerations when replacing trustees on secured debt transactions (395)
Richard Lissack, Robin Lööf: Failure to prevent fraud: making up for failure to prosecute? (397)
Elizabeth Ovey: Subrogation and the case of the dissolved co-debtor (400)
Hannah Fearn: Using guarantees for capital relief: legal characterisation matters (404)
Matthew Watson, Sarah Rutnah: Commercial choices: are Braganza duties path to payment under commission agreements? (407)
Elaine Chan, Sion Yoong Tian: Crypto headwinds: an overview of regulations in Singapore, the EU, UK and US (410)
Phoebus L Athanassiou: Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies: core assumptions and legal implications (414)
In Practice
Rebecca Hoskins, Katie Hoyle, Julia Machin: Practical Implications of USD LIBOR panel cessation for „tough legacy” contracts: a brief refresher (416)
Alex Martin, Ellen Marks, Kristine Kozicki: Conflicting signals? Potential impacts of the SEC’s proposed conflicts of interest rule on UK and EU CLO managers (418)
Fiona Henderson, Laura Collins: Embedded finance: Dear CEO (420)
Competition Law Update by Kirkland & Ellis International LLP (421)
Case Analysis by Hogan Lovells, 3 Verulam Buildings and a restructuring attorney based in Hong Kong (423)
James Palmer: Risk elimination by legislating: the limits of the law and challenges of reality (287)
Justina Stewart, Lucian Ilie, Anson Cheung, Hanif Virji: Credit Suisse, AT1 bonds and taking the BIT between the teeth (293)
Ayowande A McCunn, Paul L Davies: On the regulatory discretion to write off AT1 capital (302)
Bobby Butcher, Elli Karaindrou: Regulation of small banks in the UK: lessons learned from SVB UK (306)
Ferdisha Snagg, George Bumpus, Andreas Wildner: Reforming the UK’s e-money and payment services safeguarded funds regimes: better safe than sorry (310)
Greg Brown: Sustainability-linked loans: how “green washing” risk is mitigated in documentation (313)