Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 2024/5
Tetyana Nesterchuk: Unlocking the use of Russian Central Bank assets: is collateralisation the answer? (295)
Louise Gullifer: Non-notification receivables financing: can the assignor sue without joining the assignee? (299)
Jeremy Duffy, Tom Falkus, Richard Lloyd, Sherri Snelson, Samantha Richardson: Fund finance and sustainability: new guidance on the application of the SLLPs (303)
Christopher Boardman, Tom Beasley: Pitfalls with board resolutions authorising loan facilities (306)
Daniel Lightman, Reuben Comiskey: The rule in Clayton’s Case: its application in non-banking relationships (309)
Brie Stevens-Hoare: Delivering valid notices of assignment: s 136 in 2024 (312)
Matthew Parker: Does the restoration of Crown preference mean that guarantors can get off the hook? (316)
Emmar Radmore, Natalie Caple: Joining the dots: a wider use for AML e-verification tools? (319)
Nicholas Broomfield: A mortgagee’s accountability for mortgage valuations following Shokrollah-Babaee v EFG Private Bank (321)
Angela Batterson: The dynamics of insurers as lenders in the NAV market (325)
Charles Kerrigan, Charlotte Bellamy: Artificial intelligence in syndicated lending (327)
Sam Roberts: Channel Islands and statutory fences: obtaining evidence for use overseas (333)
Paul Ferguson, Karl Clowry, Harriet Territt, Aziz Abdul: Going cashless: the treatment of cryptoassets in insolvency proceedings (335)
Caroline Dawson, Paul Ellison, Sara Evans: Enhancing trust in ESG ratings: welcome moves to fix the ecosystem (337)
In Practice
Laura Smith: Rated subscription lines: bringing fund governing documents and finance documents into focus (341)
Jon Ford, Michael Tan: CP24/2: a comparison with other International Financial Centres (343)
Lee Harding, Prag Sivaguru: Culture and D&I in Financial Services: the latest reforms to shift the dial (344)
Lu’ayy Minwer Al-Rimawi: The critical importance of “Shariah compliance” in the Islamic financial services industry: the UK’s need for jurisprudential clarity (346)